FW: [gawds_discuss] Accesskeyus interruptus: another real-world case

More Accesskey news via GAWDS - apologies for those who may have already
seen this.

JF - the Accesskey guy <wink>
John Foliot  foliot@wats.ca
Web Accessibility Specialist
WATS.ca - Web Accessibility Testing and Services
Phone: 1-613-482-7053 


mikecherim wrote:
> Hello group,
> I think this may be of interest to you guys.
> At Accessites.org we are offering accesskeys by way of a PHP script
> [1] so users can set their own to better meet their needs (thanks to
> Gez, Rich, Thierry, and Dan).  
> We *had* default values assigned to the 6 keys we offered, using
> numbers 0-5. 
> This morning someone tried to contact us and mentioned that even
> these values provided problems for him. The person noting this is
> using Windows, but has a character in his name. To write the unusual
> character his name in our contact form, he has to use alt+0228. This
> spawned a page turn thus interrupting his use of our form.    
> We have reset all of our accesskeys to null values by default, but
> users can still go in a set them if they want to. 
> This was news to me, but another real-world case on how they can
> interfere, even with scripting allowing customization. 
> [1] http://accessites.org/settings/#customkeys
> Sincerely,
> Mike Cherim
> http://green-beast.com/
> http://accessites.org/

Received on Wednesday, 15 February 2006 14:56:48 UTC