validation, namespaces, and XHTML

Jon asks, "why do my sample pages[1] using the namespace declaration
to tie 'role' values to the XHTML 2.0 namespace fail validation as
XHTML 1.1?"

I don't know the whole answer, but I think the shape of the answer is
given in what Mimasa had to do to create a "validatable to DTD"
dialect including HTML, MathML, and SVG.

Here I believe he used the driver-DTD techniques from "modularization
in HTML" that are used to integrate XHTML 1.1 from its several

This is what Raman suggests in

Mimasa used the "Modularization in HTML" DTD-building technique to
extend the syntax under one DTD cover, folding more modules into a
composite DTD. This created a consolidated syntax description in the
composite DTD that the validator could work from. The W3C validator
is based on an SGML parser, which checks document instances against a



Received on Wednesday, 4 May 2005 19:48:16 UTC