Re: Suggestion for enhancing the knowledge of page structure and the role of content

Hi Lisa


I like this approach a lot. In other circles it gets discussed
occasionally as "RDF sitemaps" although there isn't a lot yet by way of 
fully polished proposals. Some sitemap discussion has focussed on 
generic navigation concepts, 'next', 'prev', 'up', 'down', but I
actually prefer the line I understand you're taking, which picks out 
common re-occuring concepts that appear in different kinds of sites.

So opensource projects (cc:'ing Edd Dumbill here, who has been looking
at this) stereotypically use navigation which include things like 
"design docs page", "mailing lists", "CVS server", "downloads".
Corporate sites, by contrast, often have headings such as "products",
"solutions", "leadership", "vision" and suchlike. Though slightly 
different wording will be used (or very different wording, for sites that 
aren't in English :)

I very much like the idea of slowly growing a set of RDF classes that 
capture such notions, so we can make some of these distinctions 
machine-readable and hence accessible to navigation tools, query engines etc.


Received on Thursday, 15 January 2004 12:55:49 UTC