[glossary] isochronous streams

See, e.g. 

 isochronous - a whatis definition

or more generally


For consumers, I think that the "synchronized" and "time-dependent"
language that we have in the WCAG 2 drafts is better.  But we should be
aware that there are techies in the "real-time communication" business who
use this term.  It rolls in the metric sense of "time-dependent"
presentation -- that the measure of the time difference between events
matters, not just the ordering of events across processes.  It is used to
avoid saying "real-time" because that is actually a narrower meaning.

It includes real-time streams and streams that have to create the illusion
of real time.  And bundles of streams whose presentations have to combine
so as to sustain a common illusion of real time.


Received on Monday, 3 December 2001 12:24:43 UTC