Qualify your candidates with testing software!!

Qualify your candidates with Prevaluate

Your clients demand quality candidates and we can provide you the evaluation
tools you require to ensure that your candidate can do the job.

Evaluate an individual with Pre-Valuate(tm) skills evaluation software.
Evaluation modules are available for Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Graphics,
Operating Systems, Database, Presentation and Internet applications as well
as numerous clerical tests including: Typing, Math, Spelling and Data Entry.
Technical skills modules are also available for titles including AS/400,
C++, CICS/COBOL, Novell, Unix and more.

I would like to have the opportunity to demonstrate to you how effective and
affordable our testing products are.  We have assisted thousands of
organizations implement effective testing solutions.  For further
information please click on the REPLY button on your e-mail program and fill
in the following info.  I will contact you immediately to provide

Company Name:

Contact Name:


Best Regards,

Tony Mason
One On One Software Ltd.

Received on Thursday, 15 March 2001 14:36:58 UTC