- From: <eng.camp@antiimperialista.com>
- Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 07:32:57 -0600
- To: wai-wcag-editor@w3.org
Please find below the preliminary programme of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2001, which will take place from July 28 until August 5 in Assisi, Italy. The programme is subject to changes and will be published in its definite version as well as completed by the list of speakers and participating organisations by June 15. Call for the camp: http://www.antiimperialista.com/view.shtml?category=15&id=980503116&keyword=+ All updatings will also be available on our web site www.antiimperialista.com ____________________________ Anti-imperialist Camp 2001 Programme July 28 – August 5 Assisi, Italy Saturday, July 28 Arrival 21.00: Concert and official inauguration of Camp 2001 Two workshops will be held during the whole duration of the Camp: a) IT-workshop, focussing on a more appropriate usage of the Internet b) Workshop on art and visual communication in the anti-imperialist struggle Sunday, July 29 9.30 Meetings with the international delegations 15.30: Plenary Session The prohibited language Anti-imperialist struggle, science, technology and mass communication 21.00: Forums Forum 1: Political Prisoners a) Methodology of oppression and punishment b) The cold war’s loot c) Statistics of political prisoners Forum 2: Exodus and migrants a) Freedom of circulation for capital but not for human beings b) Racism and working class c) Immigrants, neo-liberalism and class struggle Forum 3: Nuclear war at low intensity a) What is depleted uranium? b) The new culture of destruction c) Social consequences of the nuclear crimes ________________________ Monday, July 30 9.30 Meetings with the international delegations 15.30: Plenary Session Region of wrath The Palestinian Question and the Middle East Conflict 21.00: Forums Forum 1: Afghanistan a) 25 years of civil war b) The Talibans and the CIA c) Which way out? Forum 2: Kurdistan a) Repression is continuing b) PKK’s turn c) Independence or autonomy? Forum 3: Water of contention a) The strategy behind vital resources b) To kill the enemy through thirst c) The Palestinian-Israeli case ________________________ Tuesday, July 31 9.30 Meetings with the international delegations Round Table: For a critical history of Italian communism a) The CPI’s origins and the role of Antonio Gramsci b) The XX. Congress and the China-USSR break c) Towards a new communist party? 15.30: Plenary Session Bitter Harvest The destruction of our environment and the future of mankind 21.00: Forums Forum 1: From the Atlantic where to? a) The European Union after the Nice Summit b) Under NATO’s umbrella c) Federation of Nation-states? Forum 2: The Indian subcontinent a) Nation-states or Religion-states? b) Feudalism or dependent capitalism? c) The Chinese-Indian dispute Forum 3: Trade union struggle a) Neo-liberalism and the decline of traditional trade unions b) New rank and file trade unionism: the Italian case c) Towards new forms of struggle and organisation ___________________________ Wednesday, August 1 9.30 Meetings with the international delegations 15.30: Plenary Session The global challenge The antagonistic forces and the perspectives of the anti-globalisation movement 21.00: Forums Forum 1: Neo-liberalism and theology of liberation a) Religion and social struggle b) The Pentagon and the Gospel c) Christian atheism? Forum 2:Techniques of extermination a) NATO strategies for global dominion b) The multinationals’ armies c) Embargos Forum 3: Let the workers speak a) Inquiry on the factory struggle in Italy b) The flexible and precarious proletariat c) Towards a new workers culture? ______________________________ Thursday, August 2 9.30 Meetings with the international delegations 15.30: Plenary Session Hidden Genocide Crimes in Africa and Europe’s complicity 21.00: Forums Forum 1: The Bask country, Corsica and Sardinia a) Two cases of internal colonisation b) National question and social liberation c) Endeavours for independence and the Left Forum 2: Philosophy and revolution a) On the relationship Hegel-Marx b) Science and Consciousness c) Dialectical materialism and philosophy Forum 3: The Balkans hornets’ nest a) NATO and the expansion to the East b) Social classes, nations and ethnic groups: the case of Yugoslavia c) Nationalism and communism ___________________________ Friday, August 3 9.30 Meetings with the international delegations Round Table: Ernesto Che Guevara’s thinking and action 15.30: Plenary Session A living dream Defeat and reconstruction of the Latin American Left 21.00: Forums Forum 1: The Free Trade Treaty of the Americas a) A common neo-liberalist market from the North Pole to the South Pole b) Ecuador’s dollarisation c) Civil society and Marxist perspectives d) The defenders of “civilism” Forum 2: The situation of the indigenous people in Latin America a) Apartheid in Latin America b) The Left and the silence of racial segregation c) Armed struggle d) The Nobel peace prize as a punishment Forum 3: Columbia a) The guerrillas: separately united b) The USA’s bacteriological war c) How to win the war d) Comparison of the different theories of liberation ____________________________ Saturday, August 4 9.30 Meetings with the international delegations 15.30: Plenary Session Rebellion is necessary! The protagonists of the new anti-imperialist front take the floor 21.30: Concert and Farewell Party __________________________ Sunday, August 5 Departure ************************************ Antiimperialist Camp PF 23, A-1040 Vienna, Austria Tel&Fax +43 1 504 00 10 eng.camp@antiimperialista.com www.antiimperialista.com/en ************************************ To unsubscribe from: Antiimperialist Camp News, just follow this link: http://www.antiimperialista.com/cgi-antiimperialista/mojo/mojo.cgi?flavor=unsubscribe&list=Antiimperialist_Camp_News&email=wai-wcag-editor@w3.org&pin=32452 Click the link, or copy and paste the address into your browser.
Received on Saturday, 10 February 2001 08:36:31 UTC