Code Blocks

The following two blocks of HTML code taken from render differently
in Netscape 4.08 even through they are primarily the same (two lines are
swapped).  By printing this document the difference is even more apparent.
Obviously there are many factors that could be affecting this, but I
thought I should share this with you.

Block 1 (top of page):
<div class="navbar">
[<a href="wai-pageauth.html">guidelines</a>] &nbsp;

<hr class="navbar" title="Navigation area separator">

Block 2 (bottom of page):
<div class="navbar">
<hr class="navbar" title="Navigation area separator">
[<a href="wai-pageauth.html">guidelines</a>] &nbsp;


Brian Jay Kesecker II
Webmaster / Intern
NASA IV&V Facility
100 University Dr.
Fairmont, WV  26554
(304) 367-8439

Received on Thursday, 4 January 2001 14:43:25 UTC