- From: <camp@antiimperialista.com>
- Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 14:01:58 -0500
- To: wai-wcag-editor@w3.org
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Newsletter of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2001 Rebellion is necessary! Assisi, Italy, July 28 – August 5 **************** The Struggle for national liberation is still alive in Europe! Forum on the struggle against internal colonialism and for national liberation in Europe during the Anti-imperialist Camp! Various European organisations for national liberation are going participate in this Forum: from Sardinia to Euskal Herria, from Ireland to Catalonia, from Corsica to Galicia. They will discuss the meaning of national liberation in Europe in the period of capitalist globalisation, as well as the relation between national and social liberation and the role of independentist organisations in the framework of an Anti-imperialist Front against globalisation. With this Forum the Anti-imperialist Camp wants to draw the attention on the oppressed people in Europe, who must not be forgotten by the anti-globalisation movements. The struggles of the oppressed people are still among the best examples of popular resistance against: - the annihilation of peoples’ sovereignty, - the neo-liberalist monopoly of thought - NATO militarism and humanitarian bombs - “colonial internationalism” through globalisation for: - free sovereign and socialist nations - autonomous and free peoples’ identity and culture - a world where nations have the right of self-determination and where free people can foster relations of solidarity and equality The following organisations have announced their support and participation in the Camp: - Communists of Euskal Herria (information about Euskal Herria: http://www.antiimperialista.com/es/view.shtml?category=16&id=990905554&keyword=+ http://www.antiimperialista.com/es/view.shtml?category=16&id=988477616&keyword=+ http://www.antiimperialista.com/es/view.shtml?category=20&id=990257140&keyword=+ and http://www.euskal-herritarrok.org/ http://www.basque-red.net/) - IRSP (Irish Republican Socialist Party) (information about IRSP: http://www.antiimperialista.com/en/view.shtml?category=9&id=991171025&keyword=+ http://www.antiimperialista.com/en/view.shtml?category=11&id=990303720&keyword=+ and: http://irsm.org/irsp/) - Endavant (Socialist Organisation of Catalonia’s National Liberation) (Information about Endavant: http://www.llibertat.com/endavant) - Sardigna Natzione (Information about Sardigna Natzione: http://web.tiscalinet.it/sardignanatzione/) - Confederation of Sardinian Communists We invite all interested anti-imperialist organisations to join the call for an Anti-imperialist Camp. Information on the Anti-imperialist Camp (call, preliminary programme, fees etc.): www.antiimperialista.com For further enquiries: camp@antiimperialista.com ************************************ Antiimperialist Camp PF 23, A-1040 Vienna, Austria Tel&Fax +43 1 504 00 10 camp@antiimperialista.com www.antiimperialista.com/en ************************************ To unsubscribe from: Antiimperialist Camp News, just follow this link: http://www.antiimperialista.com/cgi-bin/mojo/mojo.cgi?f=u&l=Antiimperialist_Camp_News&e=wai-wcag-editor@w3.org&p=22252 Click the link, or copy and paste the address into your browser.
Received on Wednesday, 30 May 2001 15:03:25 UTC