- From: <camp@antiimperialista.com>
- Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 12:05:22 -0500
- To: wai-wcag-editor@w3.org
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We do not agree with the call “A different world is possible” published by the Genoa Social Forum in occasion of the G8 summit in Genoa. Frankly speaking, it is a quite weak call putting forward the reformist idea about a “better” and “grass-root globalisation”. In fact, this call does not reflect the most important struggles against imperialism that are being carried out by workers, peoples and nations it in the whole world. Therefore we call upon all anti-imperialist and revolutionary forces on an international scale to take part in the unitarian mobilisations in Genoa, but in an autonomous and organized way. We thus invite whoever agrees with the following call as well as with the idea of an autonomous and unitarian participation of all anti-imperialists in occasion of the G8 summit to get in touch with us as soon as possible. The Anti-imperialist Camp www.antiimperialista.com camp@antiimperialista.com Stop Imperialism! Rebellion is necessary! The G8 summit (in realty G7, since Russia’s role is nothing more than that of a puppet) will take place from July 20 to 22 in Genoa, Italy. The representatives of the seven biggest oligarchic powers have to avert two threats. On the one hand a general and devastating economic crisis of capitalism and on the other hand the failure of the “New World Order”. The recipe comprises only two ingredients: to impose drastic sacrifices on their subordinates and to reinforce the imperialist double lock on the other 181 countries which compose the international community, the biggest part of which being colonies in desperate conditions. The G8 politicians only care about stock exchanges and the multinationals’ profits, since general progress depends, as they claim, on those institutions’ health. It is twenty years that capitalism is experiencing a period of expansion and thus profit growth. However, the situation for the majority of the peoples and human beings has become worse. In order to get a general idea of how things are it is sufficient to simply recall a few terrible and indisputable numbers: out of a world population of 6 billion people 2,8 billion live on less than two dollars per day, and one billion two hundred million live on less than one dollar per day. Eight children out of hundred die due to famine or illnesses before their fifth birthday. Nine boys out of hundred and fourteen girls out of hundred are illiterates. And let’s not even mention the fact that a big part of the human beings live in countries which have been torn apart by endemic and bloody wars. (Data source: UNO March 2001) The expansion of capitalism is advantageous only for a very small and privileged part of mankind, whereas for the big majority it leads to regression, underdevelopment, and fratricidal wars. As long as there will be such abysses between social classes and between nations the world will not live in peace. They call this hell globalisation. We call this globalisation imperialism. The big capitalist powers are intensifying neo-liberalism inside their countries and tyranny outside in order to maintain their supremacy. But this policy is doomed to failure: for each people who is strangled by embargoes and wars (Cuba, Yugoslavia, Iraq) there will be others obliged to raise their heads. For each subjugated country there will be a liberation movement. Palestine, Colombia, Kurdistan are the first line of the future international anti-imperialist front. While these big capitalist powers gather it is our duty to give voice to all oppressed peoples; to all workers who are forced to live in conditions of famine; to all children who are being transformed into slaves; to all armed liberation movements; to all western workers who refuse to collaborate with their own governments. It is decisive that the working class and the marginalized in the rich countries break their “cage of luxury”, it is necessary that they lower the drawbridge to the imperialist fortress, that they hold out their hands to their brothers and sisters in the South of the world. Their unity would be invincible. Unfortunately, the left in the rich countries seems to have become bourgeois from the top to the bottom. In fact, it supports imperialism with all its strength, as it was obvious during the aggression against Yugoslavia. Instead of countering Imperialism at its roots and re-launching the necessity of an alternative system, the left limits itself to proposing reformist adjustments of globalisation. Among those forces which consider themselves antagonists there are many that are passively watching the massacre the Palestinian people is being subjugated to, many that would not move a finger to defend besieged Iraq or that rejoiced the “new course” in Belgrade together with NATO, many that have forgotten about the struggle of the Basque and Irish peoples, about the destiny of thousands of imprisoned fighters. The same forces cheer the EZLN but take their distance from the FARC-EP, rejoice the Sem Terra of Brazil but forget about the Bolivian cocaleros and the Peruvian workers. The struggles and rebellions that are shaking the world are being artificially divided into nice ones and ugly ones, into good ones and bad ones. When they happen to be not politically correct or when they do not correspond to western ideas of democracy or to the myths of “civil society” they are being abandoned. The western left, and above all those parts of it that back imperialism, does not have th! ! e right to teach lessons of morals to the masses of the poorest countries. Even in case that they need to be criticized, the poor and marginalized’s struggles for survival have to be supported by any means. As long as they will be held in chains, nobody can consider himself free nor does he have the right to teach someone else lessons. We hope that in occasion of the G8 summit all forces that struggle against the imperialist globalisation will be together and united in the streets, just like in Seattle. However, it is necessary that those who do not separate the struggle against neo-liberalist globalisation from that against imperialism, capitalism and fascism raise their voice. Therefore, we are launching this call for international unity of all anti-imperialists so that in Genoa, against the G8 summit, they will march autonomously under two slogans: STOP IMPERIALISM! REBELLION IS NECESSARY! ************************************ Antiimperialist Camp PF 23, A-1040 Vienna, Austria Tel&Fax +43 1 504 00 10 camp@antiimperialista.com www.antiimperialista.com/en ************************************ To unsubscribe from: Antiimperialist Camp News, just follow this link: http://www.antiimperialista.com/cgi-bin/mojo/mojo.cgi?flavor=unsubscribe&list=Antiimperialist_Camp_News&email=wai-wcag-editor@w3.org&pin=32452 Click the link, or copy and paste the address into your browser.
Received on Sunday, 22 April 2001 13:08:27 UTC