Relative or absolute? Problems with viewing the text in Netscape 4.01

To the editor (?)

I'm writing an exam paper, where I among other subjects write about Design for all/Usability. Therefore I have studied the article: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, and a few minutes ago I accessed the main part of the following link:
My idear was to get the pdf-version of the text (sorry - the link downloads the ps-version, but I can manage), but before closing the page I gave it a glance. 

When I reached #checkpoint-map it all went wrong.

I think the style-sheet omits to close the very first dl-tag, so all the following are relative to the first - but I have not studied the source that much.

To your information: I use Netscape version 4.01.

I don't have the same problem in Internet Explorer 4.01 - and I know the Netscape version I use can be problematic.

By the way - I have great respect for the work the organisation does. I use your papers to self education and I like the idear that standardisation is in the front end of developement.

Lotte Joergensen

Received on Saturday, 15 January 2000 14:01:52 UTC