[wai-wcag-editor] <none>

Dear Sir or Mam:

Happy New Year!

I apologize for invading your privacy, It is not my intent to invade your privacy nor to send you unsolicited e-mail but, while surfing the Internet, I noticed your e-mail address. I did several searches for Porsche, and your e-mail address popped up. This leaves me to believe that you have some knowledge or awareness of the Porsche automobile. If I have made a mistake and you would like me to delete you from my mailing list, please notify me as soon as possible and I will gladly do so.

I am writing to ask your assistance in locating a good reliable Porsche technician with knowledge of 6 cylinder 2.7 CIS Porsche engines. I currently have a customer's 1974 Porsche 911S. Come April I will have had it for two years. 

I have been successful in getting his engine rebuilt, but my engine man with the knowledge of that engine has transferred to Tennessee. Therefore, I have not been as successful getting the engine installed. My proposal: is to fly a technician with Porsche 2.7 CIS engine experience to Columbia, South Carolina and pay him/her to install this engine. I am prepared to pay room and board, flight arrangements plus $500 (or a week stay at any location in the United States at a 5-star resort - including Disney World).

If this sounds of interest, please call me @ 800-210-9528, ask for Charles Raynor


If you know anywhere, I can get a good price on Porsche interior (side panels, dashboards, carpet etc…) I would appreciate you sending me e-mail. You can send me e-mail at: alphonso_smith@hotmail.com

Received on Monday, 3 January 2000 07:42:19 UTC