drop-down menu

Hello -
	I am looking for specific information on the use of drop-down menus 
from a navigation bar.  The home page has a horizontal navigation 
bar with links to other pages.  I have been asked about the 
accessibility of drop-down menus from those links on the navigation 
bar.  I did not see specific information on this in the W3C info (I 
could have missed it, though). What would you advise for low-vision / 
physically challenged users?  
	Thank you for your help.

Pam Holliday

Pam Holliday, MSc, BSc(PT)
Research Associate
Centre for Studies in Aging, U-basement
Sunnybrook & Women's College Health Sciences Centre
2075 Bayview Avenue
Toronto, ON, Canada M4N 3M5
Voice: (416) 480-6100 ext. 3510
FAX: (416) 480-5856

***NOTE NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS: pam.holliday@swchsc.on.ca

Web site <http:www.sunnybrook.utoronto.ca/~csia>

Received on Tuesday, 6 June 2000 14:11:55 UTC