Isn't onFocus REALLY onKeyboardFocus?

In light of recent discussions, this excerpt from the techniques document
caught my eye:

Use application-level event triggers rather than user interaction-level
triggers.  In HTML 4.0, application-level event attributes are "onfocus",
"onblur" (the opposite of "onfocus"), and "onselect".  Note that these
attributes are designed to be device-independent, but are implemented as
keyboard specific events in current browsers.

From recent discussions, am I correct to understand that the last sentence
above is a LIE?  That, in fact, PER THE FORMAL 4.01 SPECIFICATIONS, onFocus
is DEFINED to be keyboard specific?  And that MSIE 4+ (for example) handling
of onFocus is perfectly in keeping with the specifications?

There is also the problem that the formal specifications allows the use of
onMouseOver MUCH more liberally than onFocus...

This might belong on the GL or ER list.

Received on Thursday, 13 April 2000 09:49:31 UTC