- From: Daniel Dardailler <danield@w3.org>
- Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 12:37:25 +0200
- To: w3t-wai@w3.org
- cc: wai-wcag-editor@w3.org
I worked on the conformance of /WAI/PF/Overview.html /WAI/PF/Group/Overview.html /WAI/ER/Overview.html /WAI/ER/IG/Overview.html /WAI/ER/WG/Overview.html They are now AA, but this came at a non negligeable price: the top logo bars (W3C WAI) all have an ugly border and the policy footer text at the bottom is of the same font size as the rest of the page. It's not possible to do that with CSS today, and since 11.2: avoid deprecated features, 3.3: Use style sheet are P2, I'm stuck with the poor presentation. I think this is going to be a AA killer as most people (even within W3C I think) will not want to sacrify their look for the sake of these two checkpoints. Note that I didn't say for the sake of access, because this particular problem (css implementation of border and font stuff being brain dead) doesn't really affect access per se, it's just part of the bigger picture css vs markup, which ought to be a P2. Maybe we should get into finer granularity for these checkpoints, to allow people to be AA while still using some deprecated (but harmless) features not supported in browser - or maybe best if to qualify as "Until..". AAA means things like expanding acronyms, adding keybpard shorcuts, and differentiating adjacent links, which I have not looked at yet.
Received on Tuesday, 1 June 1999 06:37:29 UTC