- From: Wendy A Chisholm <chisholm@trace.wisc.edu>
- Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 10:04:44 -0500
- To: "Bruce Bailey" <bbailey@clark.net>, <wai-wcag-editor@w3.org>
Hello Bruce, the editors of WCAG1.0 received this message (Wendy, Gregg, and Ian). Yes, I can see how this might be confusing. There seem to be a number of issues here: 1. The use of style sheets deprecates the use of spacer images (for placement of text - as in the poem example). 2. The use of style sheets also deprecates the use of tables (for placement of text and images - as in the 2nd deprecated example). 3. However, since style sheet positioning is not supported consistently across a variety of browsers these practices will probably continue for some time. I will add this as an issue to be discussed at the next GL meeting. Now that the Guidelines document has become a Recommendation, the group is focusing on cleaning up the Techniques document. thank you for your comments, --wendy >I am following up on a question I posted to the WAI ER IG. >http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-er-ig/1999May/0041.html > >The current "Techniques for WCAG 1.0" document has the example of >> my poem requires a big space<IMG src="10pttab.gif" >alt=" ">here >http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/WAI-WEBCONTENT-TECHS-19990505/#spacer-images > >I understand that this is a depreciated example, but is it an example of >ACCEPTABLE html code? I am confused by the caption which reads that: >> Authors should not use spaces for the value of "alt" to >> prevents [sic] the words from running together when the image >> is not loaded. >Am I correct in interpreting that the implied lesson is something to the >effect that "Non breaking spaces ( ) can be used instead"? > >As it reads now, the example would appear to be of code that is NOT >acceptable. This is, of course, odd since "counter examples" are not >otherwise used in this document. > >I found an older version of this page at URL: >http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wai-gl-techniques-19980918.html#spacer-images >The caption here (the same example is use) is much more readable and clear. >> In this example, an image is used to create a carefully defined space >between words or graphics. >> "White space" alt-text is used to prevent the words from running together >when the image is not loaded: >But then the accompanying text explicitly allows >> "white space" (alt=" ") alt-text >when the newer document explicitly forbids this! I am all the more >confused because older document goes so far as to say (with a citation and >example no less) that spaces and are logically the same as far as >the content of ALT tags (and other CDATA) go! > >Please clarify this for me. Please also make the clarification in the next >version of the Techniques document! > >Bruce Bailey, DORS Webmaster >http://www.dors.state.md.us/ >410/554-9211 > wendy chisholm human factors engineer trace research and development center university of wisconsin - madison, USA
Received on Monday, 24 May 1999 11:07:52 UTC