- From: Pervasive 2004 Publicity Chair <publicity@pervasive2004.org>
- Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2003 15:35:42 +0100 (MET)
- To: <wai-uaag-editor@w3.org>
The PERVASIVE 2004 International Conference on Pervasive Computing (April 21-23, 2004) solicits contributions in the following categories: - HOT SPOT PAPERS - DOCTOTAL COLLOQUIUM - VIDEO PAPERS - TUTORIALS see detailed information below or at www.pervasive2004.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOT SPOT PAPERS Deadline for submission: January 19, 2004 PERVASIVE 2004 HOT SPOT PAPERS aim at presenting very topical issues and late breaking application oriented results in all areas of pervasive and ubiquitous computing. Hot spot papers will be published in the "Advances in Pervasive Computing" book of the OCG (Vol 176 ISBN 3-85403-176-9) accompanying the conference proceedings. Depending on the type and style of the contribution presented, demo exhibition space, poster space and a few minutes of presentation time to the PERVASIVE 2004 plenary audience will be given to reviewed and accepted hot spot papers. Furthermore will they be included in the PERVASIVE 2004 DVD. Submissions in this category will be handled electronically and must be in PDF or PostScript file format. Submissions must not exceed 6 pages (approximately 3000 words, including text, figures and references), formatted single column, single-spaced in books@ocg.at style available at http://www.pervasive2004.org/hotspot/authors.html. Submitted hot spot papers and tech-notes must be original, unpublished work and not currently under review for any other conference or journal. All submissions will be reviewed. To submit a hot spot paper please refer to the paper submission link http://www.pervasive2004.org/hotspot at the conference website. Questions about the submission process should be directed to the Program Committee Chair Alois Ferscha at progchair@pervasive2004.org. IMPORTANT DATES for HOT SPOT PAPERS Hot Spot Paper Submission (firm!) January 19, 2004 Notification of Acceptance February 16, 2004 Camera Ready Copy February 23, 2004 PERVASIVE 2004 April 20-23, 2004 Pre-conference Events (in Vienna) April 20, 2004 Main Conference (in Vienna) April 21-23, 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM Deadline for submission: January 19, 2004 Submissions are invited from PhD students and candidates to present, discuss and defend their work-in-progress or preliminary results in an international, agile and renowned audience of junior and senior researchers and developers in the pervasive computing field. Thesis position papers are solicited relating a problem statement, methodological approach, potential for innovation and expected contribution to the international pervasive computing literature. Accepted submissions will be presented during the colloquium and will be published in the "Advances in Pervasive Computing" book of the OCG (Vol 176 ISBN 3-85403-176-9) accompanying the conference proceedings. The colloquium will be accepted as a 3h PhD seminar and will be accredited with 3 ECTS points. Submit your 6 page (approx. 3000 words) exposé electronically in PDF format preferably following the format guidelines given at http://www.ocg.at/activities/books/Richtlinien.pdf to doctoral@pervasive2004.org For further information contact the doctoral colloquium chair Gabriele Kotsis, Johannes Kepler University Linz, gabriele.kotsis@jku.ac.at IMPORTANT DATES for DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM Exposé Submission (firm!) January 19, 2004 Notification of Acceptance January 31, 2004 Camera Ready Copy February 23, 2004 PERVASIVE 2004 April 20-23, 2004 Doctoral Colloquium (in Linz) April 19-20, 2004 Main Conference (in Vienna) April 21-23, 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIDEO PAPERS Deadline for submission: January 19, 2004 PERVASIVE 2004 VIDEO PAPERS aim at presenting novel pervasive computing systems, devices or just designs, or demonstrate innovative styles of interaction or usability of those systems - in a lively format: as a video. Video clips should be no longer than 8 minutes and be accompanied by a written summary. Video papers will be handled electronically and must be in PDF or PostScript file format. Submissions must not exceed 4 pages (approximately 2000 words, including text, figures and references), formatted single column, single-spaced in books@ocg.at style available at http://www.pervasive2004.org/hotspot/authors.html. Submitted video papers and tech-notes must be original, unpublished work and not currently under review for any other conference or journal. All video paper submissions will be reviewed. The author(s) of a video are expected to present a brief introduction at the conference, while all full videos will be presented during the PERVASIVE 2004 Video Night - a special event at a historic place in Vienna. Accepted video papers will be published in the "Advances in Pervasive Computing" book of the OCG (Vol 176 ISBN 3-85403-176-9) accompanying the conference proceedings, and both the video papers as well as the clips will be presented in the PERVASIVE 2004 DVD. To submit a hot spot paper please refer to the paper submission link http://www.pervasive2004.org/video at the conference website. Further information can be obtained from the conference website or the Video Chair at video@pervasive2004.org. IMPORTANT DATES for VIDEO PAPERS Video Paper Submission (firm!) January 19, 2004 Notification of Acceptance February 16, 2004 Camera Ready (Paper) Copy February 23, 2004 DVD Ready Video Clip March 15, 2004 PERVASIVE 2004 April 20-23, 2004 Pre-conference Events (in Vienna) April 20, 2004 Main Conference (in Vienna) April 21-23, 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TUTORIALS Deadline for submission: January 19, 2004 PERVASIVE 2004 tutorials will provide the dissemination of skills, technologies and advanced concepts to the participants. Tutorial submissions should focus on rewarding topics applicable to different and numerous aspects of pervasive computing or cover an outstanding new research field. Accepted submissions will be presented during the PERVASIVE 2004 to a select audience. Please submit your free-format proposal with a maximum of 4 pages (approx. 2000 words) electronically as PDF file to tutorials@pervasive2004.org For further information contact the tutorials chairs Rene Mayrhofer mayrhofer@soft.uni-linz.ac.at Simon Vogl vogl@soft.uni-linz.ac.at Johannes Kepler University Linz. IMPORTANT DATES for TUTORIALS Tutorials Submission (firm!) January 19, 2004 Notification of Acceptance February 16, 2004 Camera Ready Copy of Handouts February 23, 2004 PERVASIVE 2004 April 20-23, 2004 Pre-conference Events (in Vienna) April 20, 2004 Main Conference (in Vienna) April 21-23, 2004
Received on Friday, 26 December 2003 13:05:49 UTC