Heading typo Interoprable/ Interoperable

Just to let you know in 
http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/natural-lang-20030326.html the fourth main 
section heading starting

    ILS (Interoprable Language Standard)- A Possible Implementation

Annotations, such as RDF (Resource Description Framework) annotations, 
allow an author to make statements about the content, sections of the 
content or even specific words. These capabilities are being used to 
create vocabularies for accessibility, providing alternatives for 
content and form for documents. The advantage of this implementation is 
the combination...

Should be  Interoperable  in its title

Sorry to be a pedant but these kind of typos can throw search engines 
and so I reckon they are worth catching.

Andrew Cates

Received on Friday, 25 March 2005 00:36:52 UTC