- From: <sean@compprice>
- Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2002 11:37:50 +0800
- To: nog@668
Do you want to spend $1100 on your next computer? Then read on! What I developed is a PC based software which walks you through the purchasing and assembling of your new computer. You say you don't know any thing about building computers. Don't worry. This software will tell you everything you need to know. Did you hook up your printer and scanner to your computer. It's that easy. Plug some things in, load some software and off you go. Most computer stores won't tell you how fast a drive spins or what type of video card is in a computer. That's where they make profit. All the components in their computer may not be as good as they sound. But I'll explain all of this to you, so you can make a sound purchase. Even if you don't build your own computer, this software will educate you about what you are buying. Plus it's great if you just want to upgrade your existing computer system. I'll give you a list of places to purchase parts very cheaply. Sometimes below wholesale prices. My last computer that I built cost me $233.00. Just by searching a couple of web sites and buying the right parts. It took me two weeks but hey, it was under $250.00. This is what you get: -software that gives you step by step directions on how to purchase and assemble all parts needed to build a fast and reliable computer. -directions on how to upgrade your existing computer system. -links to websites that sell parts for extremely low prices and below wholesale. -an education on computer construction. -and the satisfaction of not giving your hard earned cash to those giant computer corporations. Note: The Spambook will be delivered electronically within 24 hours. To order the "ComputerBuilder" Software right now for only $12.99 with a Credit Card, ATM, echeck or money order, please click on the link below. This will take you to our secure server for order processing: https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=sm333%40email.msn.com&item_name=ComputerBuilder+Software&item_number=cb12&amount=%2412.99 If that doesn't work copy and paste address in your browser and hit return. To unsubscribe to my emails please email to: offthelist88@yahoo.com To contact owner of email please email to: contactburst@yahoo.com 5588pqTJ8-006mIst7354vOig2-387WBnK0679Ptbz3-6l42 8123pZYN8-572zLkI1321NKvd1-013vl29
Received on Saturday, 21 September 2002 15:47:50 UTC