- From: <(no email)>
- Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 12:05:12 -0400
- To: <root@uu55.org>
- Message-Id: <200209121605.MAA27495@tux.w3.org>
财鑫故障车危险报警闪光灯(多功能警示灯) 我公司的专利新产品,专利号:ZL992271142,当汽车故障时停在路上检修的告警闪光灯产品. 本产品造型轻巧美观,三角架缩放自如,底盘附磁铁,使用方便,伸缩架不占空间,使用LED省电闪烁强光,目标明显. 比传统的三角警示牌更有效果,亦可当手电筒、指挥棒,是一项保护您生命财产安全的产物,如能与汽车配套更能增加安全配备。 南京财鑫电子电器有限公司 电话:025-6792165 025-6803611(台资企业) 传真:025-6803600 Email:cx850@vip.163.com http://cx850.2hu.org http://njcx.2hu.org 地址: 南京市城南向阳工业园红阳路18号 Caixin Electronic Equipment corporation located in No. 18 Hongyang Road, Xiangyang Industry Park, southern Nanjin City, the city, which has been the capital city for six dynasties. It is a productive foreign capital firm, which owns the ability of product developing, model making, model filling with plastics, electronic parts fixing. Our Corporation has been in Nanjin for 11 years. We have good product basic and a good fame. Now, our main product is the blooey vehicles emergency alarm flash light(multi-functional caution light), we are developing more scientific products. Factory Phone : 025-6803600 6803611 6803622 Selling Department Phone: 025-6792165 6792060
- application/octet-stream attachment: cx850-1.jpg
- application/octet-stream attachment: cx850-3.jpg
Received on Thursday, 12 September 2002 12:05:46 UTC