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Too many people want to unfairly inflate prices for USA products.
NOT US because we are giving away our T-Shirts to show our
love for this country. Click the link below now.

Our nation has come together and has persevered through the hardest
of times. If there ever was a moment to unite - it is now.
Friend, let's stand tall and proud together.

Please click the link below for your very own USA t-shirt;
100% cotton at $25.00 value - yours FREE!*

Lori Anderson

Click the link below for your USA T-Shirt

- 100% Cotton
- Patriotic USA graphic
- Comfortable fit
- Durable all-cotton construction
- $25.00 value - YOURS FREE!*

*All offers are based on 100% customer satisfaction. Yourfreepresent
reserves the right to cancel this offer any time once quantities run
out. A handling charge of $5.93 will be applied to each item. All
merchandise and offers are based on first come first serve.
Offer not valid in the state of California.


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Click (or paste) this link to Unsubscribe:

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Received on Thursday, 5 September 2002 02:35:03 UTC