(wrong string) 和您有关系:中华卫视影视台2002年1月28日正式开播!

1、	宣传我们的栏目,使更多的朋友不要错过欣赏我们的栏目。
2、	我们正面向全国招聘男女节目主持人,您来或介绍你的朋友。
3、	您或您的朋友是汽车行业的权威人士,我们非常期待您的参与。
4、	您或您的朋友是车迷、是汽车收藏家,一定和汽车有不解之缘和许多的有趣故事,为什么不通过我们的栏目让更多的朋友与您共享。
5、	您或您的朋友是汽车行业的领导者,应该通过本栏目把企业的历史文化、艰苦奋斗的经历、成功的喜悦和入世后的想法展现给国内外观众。使人们更加了解您所领导的企业和成功的产品。
6、	不管您是从事哪个行业,我们栏目的黄金播出时段会给您的广告宣传,产品销售带来无限商机。
7、	栏目冠名是当今企业宣传最经济,最能展现企业实力的宣传手段。我们面向各界朋友招标栏目冠名权。
8、	你或您的朋友是广告界的佼佼者,代理栏目广告,对您和您的朋友是一个无限商机。
电话:010 88391153 / 88391152    手机:13901356565
传真:010 88391320
E-MAIL: fhtv@vip.sina.com
办公地址:北京市海淀区甘家口18号楼1501室  邮编:100037

CSTV-3 will be officially broadcast on January 28,2002!
  As the first Star TV approved by the Government of Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) after its return to China, CSTV-3 takes the lead in adopting the synchronization technique of DVB/DVBIP for TV broadcast in Asia. With the advantage of flexible policies for operation and comfortable and pleasant programs, it will take you to an entirely new world. Coverage Asia: For people within the territory of Chinese Mainland,CSTV-3 can be available at 3-star or higher-grade hotels and units with the equipment for receiving the satellite signals .The overseas audience in Macao, HK, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand,
Indonesia, South Korea, DPRK, Japan, Australia, USA and Canada can freely enjoy the wonderful programs of CSTV-3.

  The special item on automobile, Auto Forum, is the program that you would regret to miss. After China's accession to WTO , what are the domestic auto-makers, auto-sellers, distributors of auto parts and components as well as the auto-related industries thinking and dong? As a part of this program, enjoying the world and China's famous autos will undoubtedly add freshness and beauty to the leisure time of those auto funs and you after hard work .Those desiring to learn the knowledge, history and culture of automobile please focus on our program .In particular, The Story about Celebrities and Their Cars, will tell the stories about those public figures, such as movie stars, Sports stars, popular singers, auto collectors and representatives of successful entrepreneurs etc. and their lovely cars. It is so interesting and wonderful that you should miss it.

  Time for Program Broadcasting: Every Friday 21:35 p.m.-21:59p.m.from the debut on January 28,2002 with a full length of 20 minutes and 4 minutes for advertisement show.

Now we hope you to
Promote our program among your friends and let more people see our wonderful shows;
Apply for or introduce your friends to apply for our hosts and hostesses at the moment we are recruiting the staff throughout the country;
Participate in our program, if you or your friends are authoritative persons of the auto industry;
Share your interesting and moving stories about automobiles with more people through our program, if you or your friends are auto funs or auto collectors .
Tell the splendid history, the hard-working experience, the exciting success and the blueprint of your enterprise after China's entry into WTO to millions of audience at home and abroad and let them further understand the enterprise in your charge and the successful products, if you or your friends are the leaders of the auto industry;
Gain unlimited business opportunities with your advertisements shown at the premier time of our program, regardless of the businesses you are in;
Bid for the right of program title among players from all walks of life , as it is the most cost-efficient propaganda means that can fully show the enterprise strength at present;
Grasp such a good opportunity to act the sole agent for the program advertisements, if you or your friends are the elite in the business of advertisement.

If you like, please telephone to us, or email to us, welcome to Auto Forum

Contact: Mr. Zhang Haili
Tel: 010 88391153 / 88391152    MP:13901356565
Fax:010 88391320
E-MAIL: fhtv@vip.sina.com
Address:Room 1501, Building No. 18, Gan Jia Kou, Haidian District, Beijing, PR. China 
Postcode: 100037

Received on Saturday, 12 January 2002 10:16:12 UTC