New York Remembrance

 Dear friends,

the madness incarnate of  September 11th, 2001 is one which will never 
forgotten. How could it be?
This shook the entire world, and my heart was broken along with all of

I have created a slide show in respectful tribute to all who passed, as
well as the heroics of the people. I know that America...the world... will
not allow this attack to ruffle it's feathers, and I stand and applaude 
the strength and resolve of it's people.

God bless America...God bless the world.

Do sign my 'Response to this Tribute' if compelled and please pass this 
on to at least one friend.

Irmingard Anna Kotelev

25th of September 2001

Received on Monday, 1 October 2001 06:51:38 UTC