Possible accessibility issue on the How to Meet WCAG Quick Reference page.



I am a screen reader user who is blind, and I'm using the latest version of
JAWS 2019 with Windows 10.


I recently visited:


www.w3.org/wai/wcag20/quickref <http://www.w3.org/wai/wcag20/quickref> 


I was trying out various filters when I realized that the filter buttons did
not give any audible indication of having been selected. For example, I
selected the "Changing Content" button. The page updated to show the effect
of the filter, and I got the message: "Selected Filters: WCAG 2.0: success
criteria tagged with changing-content and all techniques." However, I could
hear no indication that the button had been selected or pressed. I tried
various combinations with the same result, no audible indication that a
button had been selected or unselected.


Then the plot thickened. I went to "Help with WAI Website" to get this
e-mail address, and then hit alt left arrow to go back to the original page.
And lo and behold, I heard "Changing Content toggle button pressed".
However, when I hit that button again to toggle it off, though the page
information updated, the audible indication continued to say that the toggle
button was pressed.


I was initially using Chrome, but I tried the site using Internet Explorer
and got the same results.


I just wanted to alert you to this issue. 


Thanks for all that you do.



Received on Monday, 23 September 2019 13:43:18 UTC