Extended Deadline Submission (SETIT'O9)


Dear Colleagues 

Apologies for any cross-postings 
At the request of a number of potential contributors, we have decided to extend   the  deadline   for  receipt  of  papers  to  be  presented  to  The 5th International Conference:   Sciences   of   Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications SETIT 2009. This deadline is extended to November 1st, 2008. 
This conference will be held in Tunisia, 22-26 March 2009. It is supported by IEEE .   
Papers are solicited in the following areas: 
Information Processing 
Signal Processing 
Image and Video 
Telecommunications and Networks 

Your propositions are welcome (they can be made either in English or in French). 
The paper submission is on-line at: http://www.setit.rnu.tn/?pg=submission
We are waiting for seeing you in SETIT 2009.

NB: In order to receive information about activities and events of this conference (4 to 6 times per year), please provide your contact information to our mailing list http://www.setit.rnu.tn/?pg=nletter&mail=wai-site-comments@w3.org 

All contact information you provide will be used strictly for SETIT 09 related events only and will not be disclosed in any other way 
You can unsubscribe yourself from our mailing list at any time by sending an email to unsubscribe.setit@gmail.com  with subject Unsubscribe   ================================================================== 
This email is sent out to all those on the SETIT 2009 database. If you want to be removed from this database, please send an email to unsubscribe.setit@gmail.com
Mohamed Salim BOUHLEL
General Co-Chair, SETIT 2009
Director of Sfax High Institute of Electronics and Communication 
Head of Research Unit:Sciences & Technologies of Image and Telecommunications ( Sfax University )
GSM +216 20 200005
Skype Name : UR-SETIT

Received on Friday, 17 October 2008 15:26:24 UTC