incorrect citation on turing test working draft


Just read through the working draft of the "Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA"
article (, and have
noticed that I've been incorrectly cited as the author of gimpy;

    Breaking CAPTCHAs Without Using OCR, Howard Yeend. The site is online at
    Breaking CAPTCHAs Without Using OCR, Howard Yeend. The site is online at

I (Howard Yeend) am only the author of the [BREAKINGOCR] reference, and have
nothing to do with gimpy, whoose authors I believe are Greg Mori and
Jitendra Malik , commonly refered to as Mori at al.

Additionally, in body of that report, it is stated that "[BREAKINGOCR]
outlines a CAPTCHA defeat on PHP- and ASP-based systems" - the vulnerability
I describe is language independant; I only tested PHP/ASP CAPTCHAs because I
could only find PHP/ASP CAPTCHAs. There is no technical reason why, say, a
PERL CAPTCHA might not fall victim to the session re-use problem.

You might be interested in my proof-of-concept script relating to the
session re-use problem, which can be found at


Received on Tuesday, 29 November 2005 14:53:50 UTC