Re: [btw] Conformance pages

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jens Meiert" <>
To: "Roberto Scano - IWA/HWG" <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: [btw] Conformance pages

Well, I know that this works using an English or Spanish language UA, so
seems having misnamed the problem: Is it really intended that only
and Spanish UAs have immediate access to these pages, while others have

Roberto Scano:
Because there is no translation of the document in the other language.
I will do today the italian version so we have the italian one... You
can do the one in your language :) Inside W3C the translations are
volontary and there is a group of people where I partecipate that do

Jens Meiert:
This is an obvious usability (and accessibility) problem, so better
offer to
choose the language the user wants by providing corresponding links on
e.g. English main page, since you don't offer additional versions right
(at least French, Chinese, German).

Roberto Scano:
It is a requirement of WCAG 1.0
Checkpoint 11.3: Provide information so that users may receive documents
according to their preferences (e.g., language, content type, etc.)
[Priority 3].

A list of techniques is available here:

Please focus into content negotiation:
"There are a variety of strategies to allow users to select the
appropriate content:

  1.. Include links to other versions of content, such as translations.
For example, the link "Refer to the French version of this document"
links to the French version.
  2.. Indicate content type or language through markup (e.g., in HTML
use "type" and "hreflang").
  3.. Use content negotiation to serve content per the client request.
For example, serve the French version of a document to clients
requesting French."
So, IMHO, is right that that W3C use the point 3 (content
negotiation)... and is right that we support it with the translation :)

Roberto Scano (
IWA/HWG International Project Manager and EMEA Coordinator
International Webmasters Association / HTML Writers Guild
W3C Advisory Commitee Representative for IWA/HWG
W3C WCAG Working Group Member - W3C ATAG Working Group Member -
E-Mail: -

Received on Thursday, 11 December 2003 03:58:27 UTC