Web Accessibility policy in Finland


I noticed that the page
does not contain an entry for Finland. As far as I know, there is no
legislation to be mentioned there, but there is an official recommendation,
which could be listed under "Relevant documents". It's name in Finnish is
"Julkishallinnon WWW-sivuston suunnittelun ohjeet"
and it is available from
and it is known under code name "JHS 129". My translation of the name into
English would be
"Instructions for the design of a WWW site in public administration".
The recommendation emphasizes accessibility as one of the key principles
and refers to WAI guidelines.

I'm Cc'ing this to Mr. Seppo Peltola, the secretary general of the
consultative committee that issues JHS recommendations.

Jukka K. Korpela, erityisasiantuntija / senior adviser
TIEKE Tietoyhteiskunnan kehittämiskeskus ry
Finnish Information Society Development Centre
Salomonkatu 17 A, 10th floor, FIN-00100 HELSINKI, FINLAND
Phone: +358 9 4763 0397 Fax: +358 9 4763 0399
http://www.tieke.fi  jukka.korpela@tieke.fi

Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2002 04:31:22 UTC