- From: <clarify@usc.edu>
- Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 00:29:33 -0700 (PDT)
- To: wai-report@w3.org
Case C184943 created. This message is an automatic reply to your message and confirms that your message has been received. If you have an urgent problem such as a network failure or a down system, please contact ISD Customer Service by telephone at 213-740-5555, which is answered 24 hours/day. Hours of normal ISD support are between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM on university work days. The USCnet backbone network is supported around the clock. Problems like network outages affecting entire buildings should be reported to ISD Customer Service by telephone for fastest response as email is only read during business hours. IMPORTANT: The subject line of this reply contains a case identification number. If you need to send a follow-up to your message, please send a reply to THIS MESSAGE. That will better insure that we can easily link your messages together. If you call ISD about your message, please refer to this case number when calling.
Received on Wednesday, 25 July 2001 03:29:34 UTC