WAI Report on http://www.eu.int


This message comes to you from the W3C WAI (World Wide Web Consortium
Web Accessibility Initiative) report tool at http://www.w3.org/WAI/report.

URL: http://www.eu.int
Date: Wed Jul 13 21:44:41 2005

Your web site has been found to have to one or more accessibility problems.
This is not an automatic evaluation. This message is the result of an 
individual's review of your page or site (refer to the cc: field). This
person experienced difficulty accessing your page either due to a disability
(visual, auditory, physical, or cognitive) or due to device limitations
(poor connection bandwidth, no support for graphics or support turned off,
a voice interface such as a webphone, etc.). Please consider their comments

The reviewer found the following accessibility problems with your
page or site. Each item is followed by a link to relevant information
in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (that you can find at

     Missing structural elements (H1-H6, UL, OL, etc.)
          (Refer to Checkpoint 3.5)
     Page inaccessible and no alternative page available
          (Refer to Checkpoint 11.4)
WAI priority 1 defect: changes in language in this page are _incorrectly_ marked with lang= attributes which need to be on the 'a' elements (or higher), not on the 'img' elements. Because of this defect, link text itself is not correctly language-marked.

Priority 2 defects: Text can not be resized in IE/Win. Failure on WAI 11.1 (use latest technology spec - CSS not used fully to govern presentation), and 11.2 (deprecated features).

Suggestion: also use the hreflang attribute.

Additional subjective comments from the reporter: 
    Poorly Accessible with no visual

Your name and the url of your page, along with the names of other
page reviewed using this tool, have been entered in a W3C WAI database
that we maintain (currently implemented as an archived mailing list
visible at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/wai-report-db).

Please take the time to review this report and take action
on the problems reported. If you have questions, please notify us
at mailto:wai-report@w3.org, so that we can re-evaluate your page.

Note. These comments were made by someone who visited your Web
site who may not be affiliated with W3C or the WAI. For this reason,
WAI does not take responsibility for the accuracy of this report nor
the comments made in the report. For more information about the W3C
Web Accessibility Initiative please visit http://www.w3.org/WAI.


>From Cecil Ward
using the W3C WAI Accessibility Initiative Report Tool

Received on Wednesday, 13 July 2005 22:21:12 UTC