No-code and social updates -- Could you review this morning for us to discuss in eo-plan if needed?

Hi Jade,

Many thanks for your comments on these two briefs. They've been very useful!

We updated no-code and social media briefs yesterday based on more input we received.
Please see:
. No-code
. Social Media

We changed the second persona in social to someone who actually has a reading disability, which was suggested to fit more with the
"reading at their own pace" use case.

Could you have a look and raise any other big issues you encounter this morning for us to discuss in eo-plan this afternoon?

So sorry for the quick turn around on this. But we have a very tight schedule and there is an American holiday coming, so I'd like
to have these ready for thorough review as soon as possible.


Daniel Montalvo

Accessibility Education and Training Specialist

Received on Wednesday, 16 November 2022 10:34:40 UTC