University of Nebraska using your videos to train teachers


I was just reading through your webpage about using W3 content.  I am excited that the content you have created can be used!  I am an instructional designer at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and I'm on a small team that is working to create training for instructors to create more accessible content.  We would like to incorporate your well-crafted video examples<> that show how accessible design benefits a wide range of users.

Based on your website<>, it looks like it is ok to use the videos with attribution, but please let me know if it is not!

So thankful for the work you have done!

a meeting<>

Grace Troupe

Instructional Designer

University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Center for Transformative Teaching<>

Part-time: 9:00-1:00<> | 305 Brace<> | 402-472-4321

Pronouns: she, her, hers

Received on Wednesday, 19 January 2022 20:57:11 UTC