Re: alt text for thumbnail images

Hi, Ed,

This list is not set up to answer such questions. W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) hosts an Interest Group discussion list for digital accessibility. From there you might or might not get replies to this type of question.

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Best regards,
~ Shawn

On 11-Apr-22 2:50 AM, Ed Munster wrote:
>   I have some thumbnail images, which if you click on them, will expand to show a whole document image. The alt text will not wrap. If the text is too long it is not displayed. To avoid this, and give a meaningful description, I would have to make the font size very small. It would then be unreadable to people using a mobile phone.
> I posted this question on stack overflow, and no one answered.
>   How do I get the alt text in a figure to wrap? <>

Received on Monday, 11 April 2022 13:10:57 UTC