Re: [en] Generate an Accessibility Statement

Thank you Steve for this feedback. We will look into these issues and 
fix the bugs as soon as possible.


On 23/07/2021 04:59, Steve Green wrote:
> I have observed the following issues with the Accessibility Statement 
> Generator:
>  1. In the generator tool, under the “Related evidence” heading, the
>     hint text for each textbox contains an example URL. In all three
>     cases, the URL contains the word “evaulation” instead of “evaluation”.
>  2. In the Preview, there are two “Evaluation report” headings. The
>     second one should be “Evaluation statement”.
>  3. In the Preview, the URLs for the evaluation report and evaluation
>     statement that are displayed visually are correct, but the “href”
>     attributes are not. Both are initially prepended with
>     “
>     <>”.
>     Worse still, each time you go back to the generator tool, edit a URL
>     and preview it again, the new URL does not replace what was in the
>     “href” attribute before. Instead, the new URL is appended to what
>     was there before. For instance, after a few edits, the visual URL
>     was <> as expected, but
>     the “href” attribute was
>     “
>     <>”
>  4. In the Preview, under the “Other evidence” heading, the URL is not a
>     link.
> Regards,
> Steve Green
> Managing Director
> Test Partners Ltd
> 020 3002 4176 (direct)
> 0800 612 2780 (switchboard)
> 07957 246 276 (mobile)
> 020 7692 5517 (fax)
> Skype: testpartners
> <>
> <>
> Connect to me on LinkedIn - 
> <>

Shadi Abou-Zahra -
Accessibility Strategy and Technology Specialist
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Friday, 23 July 2021 13:38:21 UTC