Curricula -- Expand/collapse placement

Hey Carlos,

You said:

> I think that would help. My proposal would be to have the buttons before the first section and after the last section to make it
even clearer that they apply to all sections. However, I'm not totally happy with my proposal, because the buttons after the last
section would be far (2 sections) away from the last expandable/collapsible section.

Let's put the first expand all just before the competencies heading, like in:

(Don't pay attention to the content here, it is a bit outdated as I need to merge last changes).

From your coments I assume that would help clarify the scope of these expand and collapse buttons, right? If we have a possibility
to revisit this from a WAI website design's perspective, we can of course update these buttons accordingly for the curricula.


Daniel Montalvo

Accessibility Education and Training Specialist

Received on Friday, 8 January 2021 09:52:47 UTC