RE: [wbs] response to '[Curricula] Review of changes before Butterfly Approval'

Hey Estella,

Happy new year.

Sorry for the late response. Please find my answers below.

> I agree that 'recite' might not be the best term to use. According to Bloom's taxonomy 'recite' belongs to the "remember" domain which
> other verbs might be define, identify, indicate, label, list, match, memorize, recall or recognize would apply. If we move to the "understand"
> domain then verbs such as compare, classify, describe, discuss, explain, give examples, interpret, paraphrase, predict, present, report,
> rewrite, summarize would apply.

We will be using "describe" as this is what most of you have recommended.

> Same with "Topics to support the teaching sequence" it might led to a confusion as in other parts of the module the term "sequence" is used
> technically. Maybe better "Topics to support/achieve the learning outcomes".

Yes, rolling back to what we have before: "Topics to achieve the learning outcomes".

> Under "Teaching Ideas for Topic", "Optional ideas to teach the learning outcomes" all bullets start with a capital letter, maybe it should be
> changed into a lowercase as in all other sections.

Normally we don't capitalize when the bullets are continuation of the previous sentence. For example, in the learning outcomes, you can say "students should be able to explain..." "students should be able to describe..". The ones that are capitalized are individual sentences on their own.

This was further discussed at
We decided to harmonize this resource a bit more with EOWG's  style guide. Happy to further discuss if you feel strongly anyway.

> Not sure if "demonstrate how people with disabilities..." is the correct term in this context, demonstrate implies that students "apply" the
> knowledge acquired. Is it expected? Or are they expected to explain/describe how people with disabilities use headings or rely on
> semantics? This is just a question.

These bullets are oriented to what courses based on these modules should do. We try to communicate that courses, not students, need to demonstrate use of assistive technologies. Down below  in the learning outcomes we do use verbs such as "explain" or "describe". IS the difference between those two sections clear?


Daniel Montalvo

Accessibility Education and Training Specialist

Received on Thursday, 7 January 2021 10:33:06 UTC