[en] Module 1: What is Web Accessibility

   [put comment here...] Hi, I read your guideline ( requirements ) but it
doesn't say anything specific about how to program it.. . like . .font
size, size of buttons.  ..All your requirements said was lable things..well
that's specific.  Now, what about minimum font size and minimum button size
in pixels.  Please include that in your requirements, or I'm not
understanding the requirements of the handicapped.  It should be in your
requirements guide, or, I don't know how to program the website.  Don't
tell me what I should do without being specific.  ..youre leaving it up to
me to find out on my own after I notice you complaining.  THAT'S a lack of
follow thru. I expect more guidance. It's not up to me to form a committee
only afer I was made to notice your complaint.  You apparently already have
a committee formed.  You get specific and tell us how specific to get
otherwise (we) are just guessing.  Ok.. I do expect a response

Waiting to hear from you

Received on Thursday, 11 February 2021 23:30:57 UTC