Re: Translate Perspective Videos into Catalan

Hi Cinta,

We very much welcome your translation into Catalan!

At a minimum, you can translate the captions files, and I can upload them to YouTube and to our website.

Would you also be interested in translating the information pages that go with the videos? There are 10 short pages and they are linked from here:
 Web Accessibility Perspectives Videos

We are not currently set up to handle translation of the audio itself. If you would like for us to consider options for that, please send me more information, and CC:
Here is general instructions for translating WAI resources:
 Translating WAI Resources

If you only want to translate the captions files, let me know if you are comfortable using GitHub or if you want me to send them to you as text files.

Also, here is some information that you might find helpful for your module on accessibility and usability:
* Curricula on Web Accessibility: A Framework to Build Your Own Courses
* Digital Accessibility Foundations Free Online Course
* WAI Resources for Developers
* Involving Users in Web Projects for Better, Easier Accessibility

I hope that you find these useful.


On 06-Feb-21 1:10 PM, Cinta Màdico wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm an HTML teacher at a Catalan university and I'm also writing content for a module on accessibility and usability. I have found your Perspective Videos at <> really interesting to help students understand the importance of caring for accessibility in web development.
> I'd like to include these videos in the texts I am preparing, but I'd like to be able to translate them into Catalan language (at least, the captions on Youtube but, if possible, also the speech). Before September 2020 this was possible directly from Youtube, as a contribution from the community, but now this system is not available any more.
> Is there any way that I can contribute with a Catalan translation?
> Thanks in advance,
> Cinta Màdico

Received on Monday, 8 February 2021 19:46:36 UTC