Exception for fixed page sections

Dear WAI tutorial team,

Thank you so much for the edx online course and the WAI tutorial website,
they are so easy to catch up and follow.

Our team learned how to implement the appropriate heading structure of main
content; however, we are often confused about how to implement the heading
structure of fixed page sections on the WAI tutorial
like dropdown in header or mega footer.

I wonder if the tutorial may also have some page structure examples like
mega footer or more complicated header.

Thank you.

A-lī (阿莉)
Tshuà Bûn-lī (蔡文莉)

04 -8358062
Phue-tháng: ithuan@ithuan.tw
Bāng-chām: https://ithuan.tw

Received on Sunday, 26 December 2021 20:09:17 UTC