translation of Quick Reference to Slovenian

Dear Sirs,

our organization is the national umbrella association of organizations of persons with disabilities in this country. Digital accessibility is among our highest priorities and as per UNCRPD we take part in the dialogue with the government in preparing legislative acts such as the one on the accesibility of public sector bodies' websites and mobile apps. Republic of Slovenia has transposed the EU directive on this and starting September except for a few exemptions all public sector websites will have to comply.

We've been informed by the Ministry of Public Administration (MPA), however, that on various government levels content creators, web developers, project managers etc. seem to be encountering issues making their websites and their content compliant. Apparently they have no trouble comprehending the WCAG standards but implementing them seems to be a bit of a challenge since it's a relatively new field and there's scant practical experience to draw from. In response, the MPA decided to prepare an interactive didactic tool to assist them and we've been asked to assist where possible.

Having reviewed the W3C website, various WAI tools and sections such as Quick Reference seem to address these issues effectively and we understand it's OK to translate this content without modifications and with authorship attribution upon permission, hence this email.

Therefore, please advise if it's OK to translate the W3C Accessibility Standards Overview and some other sections as well as translate and subtitle some of your videos. We can of course provide a list of all specific items we're interested in using. As indicated the translations would be used for internal guidance and training purposes within the government but the MPA probably wouldn't mind if they were published on your site along with translations to other languages.

Best regards.

Goran Kustura
Secretary-General NSIOS

Linhartova 1
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

T: +386 40 844 044
F: +386 1 432 81 42


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Received on Monday, 31 August 2020 15:08:59 UTC