[en] Web Accessibility Perspectives: Explore the Impact and Benefits for Everyone

I am developing a barrier-free progressive web app with HTML, CSS and Javascript. 
For this PWA I am looking for a way to program speech recognition that works on all operating systems. 

Can you help me?

accessible greetings

Markus Lemcke


* @IT-Experte Markus Lemcke
* @job Barrierefreies Webdesign HTML,CSS + Wordpress
* @job Barrierefreie Softwareentwicklung mit Java + C#
* @job Barrierefreiheit bei Windows, Android, IOS und Ubuntu
* @job Autor von IT-Fachartikel über barrierefreie Informatik
* @job Dozent an Hochschulen
* @email info@marlem-software.de 
* @Webseite https://www.marlem-software.de
* @Adresse Bahnhofstrasse 17, 72144 Dußlingen, Germany
* @Tel. 07072/1278463

Received on Wednesday, 22 April 2020 23:14:43 UTC