Video imagery stills, round 2

Hi Shadi,

Quick thoughts on video imagery are below. (I'm not sending to the main EOWG list as I'd rather others weigh in before I do. Sending to this list so it's available to you and others when useful. :-)


Icons for abilities:
I'm OK with icons in general, yet do not like the style of these.
* hand - concerned that could be an offensive gesture in some cultures
* ear - just looks weird (because of the inner lines)
* eye - seems too heavy with others, esp ear
* speaker - should this be speech? could be speech bubble (along the lines of ) or part of face with sound lines
* brain - brain itself is weird. head looks masculine to me, but not sure if can be made more neutral?

Wondering about more common icons, such as ...
/me should dig up work she did with Judy on icons a few months ago - or maybe Judy can find it faster?

Also, don't like in red. Don't like in multiple different colors -- makes them seem too different from each other.

Also, we should consider position -- e.g., er we want the eye top center?

people images:
1. no
2. no
3. OK
4. OK, prefer not
5. like best of these options


[EOWG discussion needed? - if so, first find minutes for years ago discussion - I think on icons for the Tips for Evaluation page with Kevin]
Clipboard looks like checklist. Thought we wanted to avoid that?

I prefer "Computer blue bg black text" over "computer blue bg coloured text" -- the latter has too many different colors.

I like the light blue background better than the white/tan fade.

I like the computer monitor base gray rather than blue. (seems more realistic)


All for now.


Received on Thursday, 19 September 2019 19:17:12 UTC