Wording tweaks to language provided by others

Hi Sharron,

I noticed that EOWG participants suggested some minor wording tweaks to language provided by others, e.g., Apple.

My perspective is that it is perfectly acceptable to make copy edits that don't change the meaning. (especially for things like people first language that is our style and important for our messaging)

You could send email informing them of the tweaks. I don't think you have to get a reply.

My 2 cents (after working with a journalist who *totally made up* a quote for me of things I would *never* say and then replied "Typically we alter the wording slightly of original quotes for parts of a story that "paraphrase" ideas, and we generally don't issue corrections unless there is a factual inaccuracy.")



Received on Friday, 19 October 2018 01:59:59 UTC