Congratulations and template usage permission

Dear WAI team,

First, we would like to congratulate you. We follow your publications and standards and learn a lot from the work you do.

I lead the actions in an government office for promoting web accessibility in Argentina<>.  Among the missions of the office we are training, for free of course, national public employees in the WCAG 2.0. In that context we are using a W3C modified template in this location<>. The trainees go to that template for verifying the guidelines, to get trained in order to do the same with government websites.

As we have read and understood in this document license<> we are allow to do the modifications “To facilitate implementation of the technical specifications…” including the following note:

Copyright<> © 2012 W3C<>® (MIT<>, ERCIM<>, Keio<>), This document includes material copied from or derived from “Before and After Demonstration - Improving a Web site using Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0<>”.

We stand for an collaborative way of working as we publish our guides in a github repository<>.  We would like to know if we are citing  your work in a proper manner or we have to add anything else.

Hope to start a path of mutual cooperation.

Thank you very much.


Fernando Petrone

Líder de Proyecto Accesibilidad Web<>

Oficina Nacional de Tecnologías de Información

Secretaría de Gobierno Digital e Innovación Tecnológica

+(5411) 5985-8600 Ext. 5638

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Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2018 11:44:29 UTC