- From: Killet Softwareentwicklung GbR <akquise@killetsoft3.com>
- Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2017 11:52:36 +0200
- To: wai-eo-editors@w3.org
Subject: Presentation of the geodetic databases "Geodata Germany" from KilletSoft Consulting Engineers and invitation to download a free trial. The databases contain all German towns, municipalities, town quarters, postal codes, telephone preselections, administrative units, nature areas, landscapes, travel areas, wind and snow loads and solar irradiation on base of the Official Municipality Key (AGS). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Sir or Madam, this information is sent only to our business partners and to interested parties of the domains Geodesy and Cartography, who have published their email address on the internet expressly for the purpose of establish contact. We will send only once an electronic mail with this information to you. If you continue to be interested in information about the latest developments of our geodetic software and in our geodetic papers, please add your email address to our permanent mailing list on the website http://www.killetsoft.de/s_mlis_e.htm. Basic information and the profile of our society you can find on our website http://www.killetsoft.de/homee.htm. Our postal address and email address you find at the end of this text. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Geodata Germany http://www.killetsoft.de/p_dgda_e.htm ------------------------------------- Geodata Germany consists of a number of database tables with administrative, postal, telephone area, landscape, nature area, climatical and cartographical contents, which can be linked together by the data keys contained in it. A compilation of test data of all database tables presented here with detailed data descriptions and the data sheets can be downloaded as ZIP packed file from the following URL: http://www.killetsoft.de/zip/geodatde.zip Our specially developed freeware program CONVERT for converting and customizing the data is available for download at the following URL: http://www.killetsoft.de/zip/convert.zip Each database table is accurately described in a detailed data sheet. In the data sheets you find detailed information, combination possibilities with other database tables, hints to the use of the georeferences and the formulas for distance computation. Here you have the opportunity to view the data sheets on the Internet: http://www.killetsoft.de/p_dgdd_e.htm The Town and Municipality Database ORTREF with georeferences ------------------------------------------------------------ The Town and Municipality database ORTREF contains more then 11.000 data records with georeferenced local data of all autonomous towns, county dependent towns and municipalities of the Federal Republic of Germany. Data sheet: http://www.killetsoft.de/pdf/ortref.pdf These data fields are contained in the database table: + Unique record ID + Town / municipality name + Town quarter name of the town / municipality center + Town / Municipality Key + Geographical longitude (ETRS89) in degree notation + Geographical latitude (ETRS89) in degree notation + Geographical longitude (ETRS89) in degree/minute/second notation + Geographical latitude (ETRS89) in degree/minute/second notation + Geographical longitude (DHDN) in degree/minute/second notation + Geographical latitude (DHDN) in degree/minute/second notation + Gauss Krueger easting (DHDN) + Gauss Krueger northing (DHDN) + UTM easting (ETRS89) + UTM northing (ETRS89) + Ground elevation over the sea level + Postal code of the delivery area (significant digits) + Postal code of the post box office (significant digits) + Postal code of the town / municipality administration + Old German postal code + Category of the population + Category of the largeness + Number of the Nature Area Unit + Number of the telephone directory + Number of the topographic map on scale 1:25000 + International town / municipality UNLOCODE as ISO-3166 + Identifier for the status of the town / municipality + Identifier for the importance of the town / municipality + Month of the last data record update + Flags for the updated data records The Town and Municipality Database ORTGEM without georeferences --------------------------------------------------------------- The Town and Municipality database ORTGEM contains the same data as the database table ORTREF, but without georeferences. The lower- priced table is suitable for all applications, which do not need georeferences. Data sheet: http://www.killetsoft.de/pdf/ortgem.pdf These data fields are contained in the database table: + Unique record ID + Town / municipality name + Town quarter name of the town / municipality center + Town / Municipality Key + Postal code of the delivery area (significant digits) + Postal code of the post box office (significant digits) + Postal code of the town / municipality administration + Old German postal code + Category of the population + Category of the largeness + Number of the Nature Area Unit + Number of the telephone directory + Number of the topographic map on scale 1:25000 + International town / municipality UNLOCODE as ISO-3166 + Identifier for the status of the town / municipality + Identifier for the importance of the town / municipality + Month of the last data record update + Flags for the updated data records The Town Quarter Database ORTTLREF with georeferences ----------------------------------------------------- The Town Quarters database ORTTLREF contains approx. 116.000 data records with georeferenced local data of town quarters and town parts, which belong to the towns and municipalities contained in the database ORTREF. Data sheet: http://www.killetsoft.de/pdf/orttlref.pdf These data fields are contained in the database table: + Unique record ID + Main town name and town quarter name + Town quarter name + Town / Municipality Key + Geographical longitude (ETRS89) in degree notation + Geographical latitude (ETRS89) in degree notation + Geographical longitude (ETRS89) in degree/minute/second notation + Geographical latitude (ETRS89) in degree/minute/second notation + Geographical longitude (DHDN) in degree/minute/second notation + Geographical latitude (DHDN) in degree/minute/second notation + Gauss Krueger easting (DHDN) + Gauss Krueger northing (DHDN) + UTM easting (ETRS89) + UTM northing (ETRS89) + Ground elevation over the sea level + Most probable postal delivery area zip code of the town quarter + Identifier for the status of the town quarter + Identifier for the importance of the town quarter + Month of the last data record update + Flags for the updated data records The Town Quarter Database ORTTLGEM without georeferences -------------------------------------------------------- The Town Quarter database ORTTLGEM contains the same data as the database table ORTTLREF, but without georeferences. The lower-priced table is suitable for all applications, which do not need georeferences. Data sheet: http://www.killetsoft.de/pdf/orttlgem.pdf These data fields are contained in the database table: + Unique record ID + Main town name and town quarter name + Town quarter name + Town / Municipality Key + Most probable postal delivery area zip code of the town quarter + Identifier for the status of the town quarter + Identifier for the importance of the town quarter + Month of the last data record update + Flags for the updated data records The Postal Code Database PLZREF with georeferences -------------------------------------------------- The Postal Code database PLZREF contains more then 30.000 data records with georeferenced postal codes of the delivery areas and the post box offices as well as the municipality keys of the suitable towns. Data sheet: http://www.killetsoft.de/pdf/plzref.pdf These data fields are contained in the database table: + Postal Code + Logistic designation of the postal code + Town / Municipality Key + Geographical longitude (ETRS89) in degree notation + Geographical latitude (ETRS89) in degree notation + Geographical longitude (ETRS89) in degree/minute/second notation + Geographical latitude (ETRS89) in degree/minute/second notation + Geographical longitude (DHDN) in degree/minute/second notation + Geographical latitude (DHDN) in degree/minute/second notation + Gauss Krueger easting (DHDN) + Gauss Krueger northing (DHDN) + UTM easting (ETRS89) + UTM northing (ETRS89) + Ground elevation over the sea level + Postal code type + Flag "Several postal delivery areas in one town" + Flag "Several towns in one postal delivery area" + Identifier for the importance of the postal code + Month of the last data record update + Flags for the updated data records The Postal Code Database PLZREF without georeferences ----------------------------------------------------- The Postal Code database PLZGEM contains the same data as the database table PLZREF, but without georeferences. The lower-priced table is suitable for all applications, which do not need georeferences. Data sheet: http://www.killetsoft.de/pdf/plzgem.pdf These data fields are contained in the database table: ++ Postal Code + Logistic designation of the postal code + Town / Municipality Key + Postal code type + Flag "Several postal delivery areas in one town" + Flag "Several towns in one postal delivery area" + Identifier for the importance of the postal code + Month of the last data record update + Flags for the updated data records The Telephone Preselection Database VORWREF with georeferences -------------------------------------------------------------- The Telephone Preselection database VORWREF contains more then 19.000 data records with georeferenced telephone preselection codes as well as the municipality keys of the suitable towns. Data sheet: http://www.killetsoft.de/pdf/vorwref.pdf These data fields are contained in the database table: + Telephone Preselection Code + Logistic designation of the telephone preselection + Town / Municipality Key + Geographical longitude (ETRS89) in degree notation + Geographical latitude (ETRS89) in degree notation + Geographical longitude (ETRS89) in degree/minute/second notation + Geographical latitude (ETRS89) in degree/minute/second notation + Geographical longitude (DHDN) in degree/minute/second notation + Geographical latitude (DHDN) in degree/minute/second notation + Gauss Krueger easting (DHDN) + Gauss Krueger northing (DHDN) + UTM easting (ETRS89) + UTM northing (ETRS89) + Ground elevation over the sea level + Priority of the telephone preselection + Flag "Several preselection areas in one town" + Flag "Several towns in one preselection area" + Month of the last data record update + Flags for the updated data records The Telephone Preselection Database VORWGEM without georeferences ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Telephone Preselection database VORWGEM contains the same data as the database table VORWREF, but without georeferences. The lower- priced table is suitable for all applications, which do not need georeferences. Data sheet: http://www.killetsoft.de/pdf/vorwgem.pdf These data fields are contained in the database table: + Telephone preselection code + Logistic designation of the telephone preselection + Town / Municipality Key + Priority of the telephone preselection + Flag "Several preselection areas in one town" + Flag "Several towns in one preselection area" + Month of the last data record update + Flags for the updated data records The Administrative County Database KREIS ---------------------------------------- The Administrative County database KREIS contains the names and Administrative County Keys of approx. 400 counties of the Federal Republic of Germany and county-referred data. The data can be linked by the Administrative County Key with the contents of the other database tables by using their Municipality Keys. Data sheet: http://www.killetsoft.de/pdf/kreis.pdf These data fields are contained in the database table: + Name of the Administrative County + Administrative County Key + Car license plate code + Month of the last data record update The Administrative District Database REGBEZ ------------------------------------------- The Administrative District database REGBEZ contains the names and Administrative District Keys of all districts of the Federal Republic of Germany. The data can be linked by the Administrative District Key with the contents of the other database tables by using their Municipality Keys. Data sheet: http://www.killetsoft.de/pdf/regbez.pdf These data fields are contained in the database table: + Name of the Administrative District + Administrative District Key + Month of the last data record update The Federal States of Germany Database LAND ------------------------------------------- The Federal States of Germany database LAND contains the names and Federal State Keys of all states of the Federal Republic of Germany. The data can be linked by the Federal State Key with the contents of the other database tables by using their Municipality Keys. Data sheet: http://www.killetsoft.de/pdf/land.pdf These data fields are contained in the database table: + Name of the Federal State + Federal State Key + Abbreviation for the Federal State + International Federal State UNLOCODE as ISO-3166 + Name of the State Surveying Office in short form + Name of the State Surveying Office in long form + Address of the State Surveying Office + Place of the State Surveying Office + Telephone number of the State Surveying Office + Fax number of the State Surveying Office + Month of the last data record update The Landscapes Database LANDSCH ------------------------------- The database table contains the landscapes with the different landscape types of the Federal Republic of Germany. With the landscape-key the data can be connected to the contents of other database tables. Data sheet: http://www.killetsoft.de/pdf/landsch.pdf These data fields are contained in the database table: + Name of the Landscape + Key of the Landscape + Type of the Landscape + Geographical longitude of the center or the Landscape + Geographical latitude of the center or the Landscape + Month of the last data record update The Database with the Nature Area Classification NATRAUM -------------------------------------------------------- The database table contains the natural area classification of the Federal Republic of Germany in the form of hierarchically structured natural area units. With the nature-area-unit-key the data can be connected to the contents of other database tables. Data sheet: http://www.killetsoft.de/pdf/natraum.pdf These data fields are contained in the database table: + Name of the Nature Area Main Unit + Key of the Nature Area Main Unit + Geographical longitude of the Main Unit center + Geographical latitude of the Main Unit center + Name of the Nature Area Superior Unit + Key of the Nature Area Superior Unit + Name of the Nature Area Unit by definition of BfN + Key of the Nature Area Unit by definition of BfN + Name of the Nature Broad Expanse Area + Name of the Nature Biographical Region + Month of the last data record update Database with Snow and Wind Load Zones and Solar Irradiation LASTEN ------------------------------------------------------------------- The database table contains the snow load and wind load zones and the solar irradiation for the areas of the cities and municipalities of the Federal Republic of Germany. In conjunction with the ground level heights contained in the database table the load zones can be used to calculate static loads for building constructions. The solar irradiation data can be used to schedule thermal and photovoltaic solar power systems. Data sheet: http://www.killetsoft.de/pdf/lasten.pdf These data fields are contained in the database table: + Town / Municipality Key + Averaged Ground Elevation of the Town / Municipality + Wind Load Zone in a Town / Municipality + Number of a footnote to the Wind Load Zone + Snow Load Zone in a Town / Municipality + Number of a footnote to the Snow Load Zone + Horizontal Solar Irradiation in a Town / Municipality + Angle optimized Solar Irradiation in a Town / Municipality + Optimal Angle for solar installations in a Town / Municipality + Month of the last data record update + Flags for the updated data records The Database with Travel Areas and Urban Specificities REISEGEB --------------------------------------------------------------- The database table contains the travel areas of the Federal Republic of Germany. As travel areas not administrative spatial units are designated, which are based mainly on the responsibility areas of the regional tourism organizations and on natural spatial conditions. Data sheet: http://www.killetsoft.de/pdf/reisegeb.pdf These data fields are contained in the database table: + Key for the Travel Area + Designation of the Travel Area + Geographical longitude of the Travel Area center + Geographical latitude of the Travel Area center + Designation of the urban specificity of the Travel Area + Month of the last data record update The Database with Map Data in 1:25000 scale (TK25) -------------------------------------------------- The map register TK25 contains map numbers, map names, corner coordinates and additional information of the official topographic cartography TK25 (ordnance) with a scale 1:25000 of the Federal Republic of Germany. Data sheet: http://www.killetsoft.de/pdf/tk25.pdf These data fields are contained in the database table: + Map name + Map number + Key of the Federal State which the map belongs to + Town / Municipality Key of the most important town on the map + Longitude of the corner coordinate + Latitude of the corner coordinate + UTM Easting of the corner coordinate + UTM Northing of the corner coordinate + Number of the belonging TK50 map + Number of the belonging TK100 map + Number of the belonging TKÜ200 map ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Best regards, your KilletSoft Development Team C. Killet Software Ing.-GbR Postbox 400225 47896 Kempen Germany Fon ++49 2152 961127 Fax ++49 2152 961128 http://www.killetsoft.de/homee.htm --- Diese E-Mail wurde von Avast Antivirus-Software auf Viren geprüft. https://www.avast.com/antivirus
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