Bug with WCAG EM Report tool

Hi Team,


I was using the WCAG EM Report tool, and found a bug, after entering all the
details, when we download the HTML report the collapsible function does not
work, PFB the image Below:


The reason it is not working is because the function name is missing in the
script, which is 


function (a)


var b=-1!==[!0,"true"].index Of(a.getAttribute("aria-expanded"));


var c=a.parentNode.parentNode.nextSibling;c.classList.toggle("collapsed")



When we add the function name toggleCriterionText as below the collapse
function works PFB the screenshot below:


function toggleCriterionText(a)


var b=-1!==[!0,"true"].indexOf(a.getAttribute("aria-expanded"));


var c=a.parentNode.parentNode.nextSibling;c.classList.toggle("collapsed")




If we can fix this in the online template then it would be helpful for all.


Thanks and regards


Mohammad Haneef P

Accessibility Evangelist,


Received on Friday, 23 June 2017 12:04:02 UTC