Re: Your comment on the “Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools List”

Hi Eric,

You can address it down the road but I thought having it open hides too many of the other options.


From: Eric Eggert <>
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 1:02 PM
To: Howard Kramer
Cc: EO Editors Mailinglist
Subject: Your comment on the “Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools List”

Hi Howard,

in the approval survey for the “Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools
List”, you checked

> I approve the publication of this resource, and have comments in the
> field below for this release or for a later release.

and your comment was:

> For me, the tool opened with the guidelines open so I didn't see the
> other filters until I read the above. Some way to make the other
> filters more visible ala what was done for quickref would be helpful.

Do you think we should hide the guidelines, too (like other filters)? I
don’t think that we have a lot of options there but I am looking
forward to explore the possibilities. Do you think this is something
that we should address in this release or that we can table for at a
later time?



Eric Eggert
Web Accessibility Specialist
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) at World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Friday, 12 February 2016 04:20:21 UTC