Update to Accessibility policy page

I came across this web page which appears to be live but contains out of date info about the UK legislation on web accessibility:

The relevant law for the UK is now the Equality Act, Section 29(1) for web accessibility and Part 6 for education. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/15/contents

This Act replaces SENDA and the DDA which no longer apply.

There's also the British Standard Web Accessibility Code of Practice, BS8878, which is a set of best practice guidelines and recommendations. More info here: https://www.access8878.co.uk/

This is an attempt to interpret the law in practice, as there's no way to comply with accessibility and no UK case law yet, so organisations have to prove due diligence - this is one way to do it.

Hope this is useful.


Kriss Fearon

SimpleUsability Ltd
Behavioural Research Consultancy

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Received on Tuesday, 20 January 2015 10:23:10 UTC