Re: [Accessibility Planning Roadmap Input : Assess the current situation]

On 12/1/2015 8:09 PM, Anna Belle Leiserson wrote:
> I'm on this page and I am noticing a pattern of using capital letters to start bullets that are part of one long sentence.  I suggested changing this on the previous page in a pull request ( that involved some other things.  I didn't want to make this second one a pull request though, since there aren't other issues.   I won't mark it on other pages either, though I do think lowercase is less grammatically incorrect.  There's a whole craziness about how to phrase the sentence before the colon which we aren't doing, and IMO is AOK to ignore.

Thanks for bringing this up, Anna Belle! I apprecaite that you're commenting on such issues.

For capitalization, I looked through lots of our pages, and see that we do it both ways, e.g.,
* <> - caps
* <> - lowercase
* < - both
* <> - both
* <> - both

I think it depends on the type of info. I propose that we leave it up to editor's discretion based on the type of information. I put my suggestion in the style guide. I don't feel strongly about this and am happy for additional discussion and am fine with a different decision. (although I think it's not a priority to change existing documents)

Punctuation: The punctuation also caught my eye. To be less formal, we have not been using punctuation in such cases. I added that to the style guide.

Spacing: And a related issue: it bugs me to have space before lists like these! We get rid of them in many documents, e.g., <>. So I added that to the style guide as well, as optional.

Style guide: I put all of these in a new section on Lists:
And added a note to the Punctuation and Capitalization sections pointing to it.

Feel free to tweak. (I didn't put much thought into the wording of the examples.)


Received on Wednesday, 2 December 2015 13:48:05 UTC