Quick Ref / How to Meet enhancement - when no techniques under a heading due to filtering

I assume below goes on EOWG's list of Quick Ref UI enhancements. So it's just an fyi to WCAG for now. (Once we get the resources to implement it, will check in on the specific proposal.)


>> ·From existing Quick ref / How to Meet Introduction
>> <http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG20/quickref/Overview#intro>:
>> oNote: In some customized views, no techniques will be listed under
>> some headings. This indicates that there are no documented techniques
>> for the technologies chosen. /[rationale: I think general techniques
>> are always shown so this should not be a significant issue, if at
>> all.]/
>> ·*/GV: It would still be true that there would not be techniques
>> under some headings.   For example in 1.1.1   turn off    html, css,
>> flash and PDF and you will find that SITUATION F has nothing under
>> it. /*

Anyway, what if the script generated "No techniques are currently
documented for this requirement" or similar when it does not find
techniques to list? It may be quite easy to do this in the script
instead of adding to the already length introduction?

I *really* like the idea of the script putting text there when it happens, instead of a broad statement cluttering the intro.
I think the wording would need to clearly communicate that there are no techniques listed *because of the filtering*.


Received on Monday, 17 June 2013 19:25:32 UTC