Updated information for http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/


this page talks about tabbing, but it should at least explain the  
different navigation system in Opera, which provides navigation by link,  
heading, form element, or all elements, in separate cycles. (The fact that  
there isn't a single tabbing mechanism might be a bug, but Opera users  
think it is a feature and have howled down multiple attempts to follow  
other browser behaviour as being inferior - oddly enough, meaning Opera  
has navigation options like JAWS instead of IE).

Also, could you please list the Yandex browser? For the purposes of this  
page the current browser has the same characteristics as Chrome, but I  
expect this to change as we introduce more of our own features.



Charles McCathie Nevile - private mail account

Received on Monday, 25 February 2013 22:36:13 UTC